Before fattening cycle
- No need to invest into the whole year quantity of bedding
- No need to invest into the cover storage
- Prevents weight loss during storage
- Reduces risk of fire
- No need of extra working
hours to handle storage bedding
- No need to invest in the destruction of failed bedding
- No need to invest money and working hours to provide bio security
- No need to worry about microbiological security.
You can provide for yourself:
- Continuously supplies according to your need
- 100% microbiological and bio safety
- Less working hours for handling
- Much better farm ambiental conditions
- Much longer exploitation of farm equipment
- Easier monitoring and control of fattening process
- Better quality of fattening process
- Beter quality of produced chicken
- The possibility of post production of the resulting manure into high quality organic fertilizer
- Increase of income.

Manipulation and spreading
- The absence of dust
- Easy and quick spreading
- Less technical equipment problems
- Always the same quality

Normative for spreading Terra Bedding at 1000m2 with 3 workers is 45 minutes.
Reception and fattening of chickens
- Provides a natural environment
- Reduced energy use
- Provides a safer and more comfortable work environment
- Free of pesticides and other chemicals
- Salmonella free
- Much higher power of absorption
- Easier detection and elimination of technical problems
- Easy, quick and accurate control of the performance of work responsibilities
- Allows fattening up to 43 kilograms of chickens per m2
- Better ambient conditions with less humidity and higher floor abilities
- Less NH3,H2s,CO2
- Reduced negative environmental impact
- Provides a natural and comfortable habitat for chickens
- Provides chickens with less dermatitis on the feet and legs and no lesion on the chest
- Cleaner feather
- Provides fattening without heat stroke

Loading of chickens
Without raising dust, ammonia, easier movement through the farm, a more peaceful chicken.
Results from the slaughter line:
- No lesions on the chest
- Extremely small percentage of lesions on the feet
- Pure feathers
- High quality meat

Cleaning the farm and taking out the manure
- Without the use of heavy machinery
- Smaller amount of manure consistency easy to handle
- Less dust and therefore the object is easier to wash and disinfect
- Manure postproduction real, easy and fast
- Composting without the use of chemicals and busters
- Produced high quality compost with the potential for further processing
Pictures of hollowed manure

Picture of the compost produced with a high percentage of organic matter and macro and micro elements

Can be used as a finished product or as raw material for further processing into organic fertilizer